Captain Chris's Ship Store

Anchoring - Training DVD

Captain Chris will put your mind at ease the next time you set your hook. Our latest video in the Ask Captain Chris training series - ANCHORING - is now available.

If you have ever dragged your anchor or listened to anchor horror stories from your boating buddies then this video will help you anchor like a pro. Learn about different anchor designs and which anchors are right for the sea floor conditions where you plan to be. We'll make it easy to determine your scope and length of rope or chain and how to do it all without yelling!

Ask Captain Chris about ANCHORING...he will show you how and you won’t have to clean mud off the deck.

NOTE! We are now offering the same video series online with instant access and or a digital download!
Click here for more information.


Captain Chris Yacht Services is a husband and wife team of cruising coaches. We have been training couples for many years with hands-on boating. Now our years of experience are also available to you through training videos and at work-shop seminars in Vero Beach FL. Browse through our video library for you or your favorite captain. Then see which boating seminar you’d like to attend. Great gifts for you and your favorite crew member.